The Wolf can be used for a wide range of applications in the civilian sector.
The Wolf reduces human interaction to a minimum and thus offers sustainable protection for emergency personnel during high-risk reconnaissance, safety, fire-fighting or rescue activities.
The Wolf is one thing above all: pure flexibility. The unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) can be used as a mobile platform for a wide range of applications and tasks in the civilian sector. With a pulling force of up to 3 tons and a top speed of 15 km/h, the Wolf combines power and speed in an impressive manner on almost any terrain. However, the Wolf is only given its final destination by its individual design in combination with unique control and communication technology.
The current Wolf R1 model has a specific design to support the fire department. As a multifunctional, tactical operational robot, the R1 is already successfully active in the following scenarios:
- Fire-fighting in rough terrain
- Fire-fighting in buildings
- Support in fire-fighting operations through thermal imaging
- Support in fire-fighting operations during the reconnaissance of the attack squad
- Recovery operation with winch
- Hazardous substance detection by means of a RAMAN spectrometer
- Hazardous substance handling with a remote manipulator
- Semi-autonomous fire-fighting
- Semi-autonomous entry and exit of rooms
- Semi-autonomous driving on extinguishing routes
- Semi-autonomous identification and tracking of operations personnel
- Release of overpressure in building structures
- Support of the operation site logistics with trailer coupling and 3 t towing load